LaDage, LD, *Yu, T, Zani, PA. 2022. Higher rate of male sexual displays correlates with larger ventral posterior amygdala volume and neuron soma volume in wild-caught common side-blotched lizards, Uta stansburiana. Brain, Behavior and Evolution, 97, 298-308.
LaDage, LD. 2022. Seasonal variation in gonadal hormones, spatial cognition, and hippocampal attributes: more questions than answers. Hormones and Behavior, 141, 105151.
LaDage, LD. 2020. Broadening the functional and evolutionary understanding of postnatal neurogenesis using reptilian models. Journal of Experimental Biology, 223, jeb210542.
Roth, TC, Krochmal, A, LaDage, LD. 2019. Reptilian cognition: A more complex picture via integration of neurological mechanisms, behavioral constraints, and evolutionary context. BioEssays, 41, 1900033.
LaDage, LD, Tornello, SL, Vallejera, JM, *Baker, EE, *Yan, Y, *Chowdhury, A. 2018. Variation in behavioral engagement during an active learning activity leads to differential knowledge gains in college students. Advances in Physiological Education, 42, 99-103.
LaDage, LD, Roth, TC. Downs, C, Sinervo, B, and VV Pravosudov. 2017. Increased testosterone decreases medial cortical volume and neurogenesis in territorial side-blotched lizards (Uta stansburiana). Frontiers in Neuroscience, 11, 97.
LaDage, LD, *Cobb Irvin, TE, and *VA Gould. 2017. Assessing spatial learning and memory in small squamate reptiles. Journal of Visualized Experiments, 119, e55103.
LaDage, LD. 2016. Factors that modulate neurogenesis: A top-down approach. Brain, Behavior, and Evolution 87, 184-190.
LaDage, LD, Roth, TC, Sinervo, B, and VV Pravosudov. 2016. Environmental effects on cortical volume in territorial and non-territorial side-blotched lizards (Uta stansburiana). Animal Behaviour, 115, 11-18.
LaDage, LD. 2015. Environmental change, the stress response, and neurogenesis. Integrative and Comparative Biology, 55, 372-383.
Croston, R, Branch, CL, Kozlovsky, DY, Roth, TC, LaDage, LD, Freas, CA, and VV Pravosudov. 2015. Potential mechanisms driving population variation in spatial memory and the hippocampus in food-caching chickadees. Integrative and Comparative Biology, 55, 354-371.
Pravosudov, VV, Roth, TC, LaDage, LD, and CA Freas. 2015. Environmental influences on spatial memory and the hippocampus in food-caching chickadees. Comparative Cognition and Behavior Reviews, 10, 25-43.
Fagan, WF, Lewis, MA, Auger-Methe, M, Avgar, T, Benhamou, S, Breed, G, LaDage, LD, Schlagel, UE, Tang, W, Papastamatiou, YP, Forester, J, and T Mueller. 2013. Spatial memory and animal movement. Ecology Letters, 16, 1316-1329.
Freas, CA, Roth, TC, LaDage, LD, and VV Pravosudov. 2013. Hippocampal neuron soma size is associated with population differences in winter climate severity in food-caching chickadees. Functional Ecology, 27, 1341-1349.
LaDage, LD, *Forney, MV, *Maged, RM, Roth, TC, Sinervo, B, and VV Pravosudov. 2013. Interaction between territoriality, spatial environment, and hippocampal neurogenesis in male side-blotched lizards, Uta stansburiana. Behavioral Neuroscience, 127, 555-565.
Freas, CA, *Bingman, K, LaDage, LD, and VV Pravosudov. 2013. Untangling elevation-related differences in the hippocampus in food-caching mountain chickadees: The effect of a uniform captive environment. Brain, Behavior, and Evolution, 82, 199-209.
Roth II, TC, LaDage, LD, *Chevalier, D, and VV Pravosudov. 2013. Variation in hippocampal glial cell numbers in food-caching birds from different climates. Developmental Neurobiology, 73, 480-485.
Pravosudov, VV, Roth, TC, Forister, M, LaDage, LD, Kramer, R, Schilkey, F, and AM van der Linden. 2013. Differential hippocampal gene expression is associated with climate-related natural variation in memory and the hippocampus in food-caching chickadees. Molecular Ecology, 22, 397-408.
LaDage, LD, Roth, TC, *Cerjanic, AM, Sinervo, B, and VV Pravosudov. 2012. Spatial memory: Are lizards really deficient? Biology Letters, 8, 939-941.
Pravosudov, VV, Roth, TC, Forister, ML, LaDage, LD, Burg, MJ, and BS Braun. 2012. Population genetic structure and its implications for adaptive variation in memory and the hippocampus on a continental scale in food-caching black-capped chickadees. Molecular Ecology, 21, 4486-4497.
Freas, CA, LaDage, LD, Roth, TC, and VV Pravosudov. 2012. Elevation-related differences in memory and the hippocampus in mountain chickadees (Poecile gambeli). Animal Behaviour, 84, 121-127.
Roth, TC, *Gallagher, C, LaDage, LD, and VV Pravosudov. 2012. Variation in brain regions associated with fear and learning in contrasting climates. Brain, Behavior, and Evolution, 79, 181-190.
Roth, TC, LaDage, LD, and VV Pravosudov. 2012. Evidence for long-term spatial memory in a parid. Animal Cognition, 15, 149-154.
Roth, TC, LaDage, LD, Freas, C, and VV Pravosudov. 2012. Variation in memory and the hippocampus across populations with different climates: a common garden approach. Proceedings of the Royal Society B, 279, 402-410.
Roth, TC, LaDage, LD, and VV Pravosudov. 2011. Variation in hippocampal morphology along an environmental gradient: controlling for the effect of day length. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London B, 278, 2662-2667.
*Chancellor, LV, Roth, TC, LaDage, LD and VV Pravosudov. 2011. The effect of environmental harshness on neurogenesis: A large-scale comparison. Developmental Neurobiology, 71, 246-252.
LaDage, LD, Roth II, TC, and VV Pravosudov. 2010. Hippocampal neurogenesis is associated with migratory behavior in adult but not juvenile sparrows (Zonotrichia leucophrys ssp.). Proceedings of the Royal Society of London B, 278, 138-143.
LaDage, LD, Roth II, TC, Fox, RA, and VV Pravosudov. 2010. Ecologically-relevant spatial memory use modulates hippocampal neurogenesis. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London B, 277, 1071-1079.
Roth II, TC, LaDage, LD, and VV Pravosudov. 2010. Learning capabilities enhanced in harsh environments: a common garden approach. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London B, 277, 3187-3193.
Pravosudov, VV, Roth II, TC, and LD LaDage. 2010. Chickadees are selfish group members when it comes to food caching. Animal Behaviour, 80, 175-180.
Fox, RA, Roth II, TC, LaDage, LD, and VV Pravosudov. 2010. No effect of social group composition or size on hippocampal formation morphology and neurogenesis in mountain chickadees (Poecile gambeli). Developmental Neuroscience, 70, 538-547.
Roth II, TC, Brodin, A, Smulders, T, LaDage, LD and VV Pravosudov. 2010. Is bigger always better? A critical appraisal of the use of volumetric analysis in the study of the hippocampus. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B, 365, 915-931.
LaDage, LD, Roth II, TC, and VV Pravosudov. 2009. Biases in brain measurements: the trouble with the telencephalon. Brain, Behavior and Evolution, 73, 253-258.
LaDage, LD, Riggs, BJ, Sinervo, B, and VV Pravosudov. 2009. Dorsal cortex volume in male side-blotched lizards (Uta stansburiana) is associated with different space use strategies. Animal Behaviour, 78, 91-96.
LaDage, LD, Roth II, TC, Fox, RA, and VV Pravosudov. 2009. Effects of captivity and memory-based experiences on the hippocampus of mountain chickadees. Behavioral Neuroscience, 123, 284-291.
LaDage, LD, Roth II, TC, Fox, RA, and VV Pravosudov. 2009. Flexible cue use in food-caching birds. Animal Cognition, 12, 419-426.
Fox, RA, LaDage, LD, Roth II, TC, and VV Pravosudov. 2009. Temperament traits predict dominance status in mountain chickadees. Animal Behaviour, 77, 1441-1448.
LaDage, LD, Gutzke, WHN, *Simmons, RA, and MH Ferkin. 2008. Multiple mating increases fecundity, fertility and relative clutch mass in the female leopard gecko (Eublepharis macularius). Ethology, 114, 512-520.
LaDage, LD and MH Ferkin. 2008. Do conspecific cues affect follicular development in the female leopard gecko? Behaviour, 145, 1027-1039.
LaDage, LD and MH Ferkin. 2007. Do female leopard geckos (Eublepharis macularius) discriminate between previous mates and novel males? Behaviour, 144, 515-527.
LaDage, LD and MH Ferkin. 2006. Male leopard geckos (Eublepharis macularius) can discriminate between two familiar females. Behaviour, 143, 1033-1049.
Coelho, JR and LD LaDage. 1999. Foraging capacity of the great golden digger wasp Sphex ichneumoneus. Ecological Entomology, 24, 480-483.