BIOL 472 Mammalian Physiology (3)
This course covers the fundamentals of mammalian physiology for advanced undergraduate students. A working knowledge and understanding of basic physiological principles is developed and then used to explore the normal function of various organ systems and to analyze various abnormal situations that occur. These include respiratory disturbances, hypertension, heart failure, endocrine imbalances, neurological and muscular disorders. Prerequisite: BIOL 240W
BIOL 473 Laboratory in Mammalian Physiology (2)
This course consists of laboratory experiments demonstrating fundamentals in physiology. Prerequisite or concurrent: BIOL 472.
BIOL 469 Neurobiology (3)
Neurobiology is an intensive, but not exhaustive, course covering the basic cell biology, physiology, and anatomy of the nervous system. This course is conducted as a combination of lecture and discussion. As neurobiology is a rapidly changing and developing field, students are required to read, discuss, and provide written critiques of current and classic literature pertaining to class subjects. Prerequisite: BIOL 240W
BIOL 163 (GN) Human Anatomy and Physiology II (3)
This is the second lecture course of a two semester sequence introducing human anatomy and physiology, which is the branch of biology that focuses on the structure and function of the human body. Students who have passed BIOL 472 may not schedule this course.